Saturday, April 5, 2008

My love for conservative morale...

I have been a Christian since I can remember. I believe since I was at least 5 years of age. I did my first Save-A-Life walk when I was in 6th grade, and have always believed abortion to be wrong. Life starts at conception, and the Bible says God knew us before we were ever in the womb. He has known us since the beginning of time.
Some may ask, "So wasn't it God's plan for that child to be aborted?" NO! It was man's wrong choice they made on their own volition. When Adam and Eve sinned, sin entered the world for the rest of time. Everything that was made for good was also used for bad because of man's perversion.
Now, before you call be a "Bible-thumper," let me explain. I love my God, I love my country, and I am passionate about doing the right thing because it makes the world a better place to live. I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion and I am tired of liberals trying to silence mine. So here it goes...
I also do not believe in homosexual marriage. I believe marriage was meant to be between one man and one woman. As the saying goes, "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."
Most people would describe me as outspoken. So, if this offends you, I do not apologize because it is my right as an American to express my opinion. I am tired of the media and the "Democraps" trying to silence the Christians, so I am using my Constitutional rights as our fore fathers meant for them to be used.
So all this being said, guess my age. Really, guess.
I was not brainwashed as a child or in my adolescence. I was raised to express my opinion and make my own choices. So, I made the right choice. I vote Republican.
Do you really want a man or woman in office who is going to fight about who is more pro-choice? What if Obama or Hillary were aborted? Do people ever really think about what they say before they say it? Do you really want a president that belongs to a church where only blacks are allowed, and they want to make America the "new Africa"? Do we really want another 10% cut from out paychecks to afford the rest of Americans who DON'T WORK and who have NEVER WORKED a chance to get cheap insurance? Do you want illegal immigrants to live off our hard earned Social Security that we are guaranteed when we get too old to work? Will not America be the next Sodom and Gomorrah if a Democrat is elected to office?
Really, has ANYONE thought of these issues?
And another thing that bothers me, I am not at all racist, but tired of being called racist if I call an African-American black. If black people want to be called African-Americans, then I want to be called Caucasian since I am white. I also want a White History month since I am "Caucasian". I want "White Music Awards" and I want Robert E. Lee Day back on my calendar.
What is with being politically correct anyway? Do we call short people vertically challenged? Do we call fat people horizontally challenged?
What ever happened to free speech?
Well, I am bringing it back. I will be silenced no longer.


bunniepaige said...

Great site! The best young American citizen I know! Proud of you!!!! Keep up the good work! Go McCain!!!!

steviewren said...

Thumbs up to you!